You will need a Facebook account to get started. Sign up for free here. 

If you intend to use Facebook to promote your real estate business, then you should follow these instructions to create a new Facebook Business Page or convert an existing profile into a page. This keeps you in compliance with Facebook's Terms of Service and will allow you to run ads on Facebook.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: You can and should publish real estate-related posts to your personal profile from time to time as well. But you won't be able to run ads on those posts, and if you do it too much, Facebook might delete your profile entirely.

Below are instructions for publishing a post to Facebook from the Social Media Post Library. 



Step-by-Step Instructions [Image Post]

  1. Locate the post you would like to use in the Social Post Library
  2. Click the button labelled "1) Download the Image" to download the post image
  3. Click the button labelled "2) Copy the Caption" to copy the post caption to your clipboard
  4. Click the button labelled "3) Share the Post" button to view the share popup.
  5. Click the Facebook button
  6. Navigate to your Facebook Business Page
  7. Click on "Create Post"
  8. Click into the box that appears and paste the copied caption from your clipboard (NOTE: Make sure to read and edit the caption as necessary)
  9. In the "Add to your post" section, click the image icon 
  10. Click "Add Photos/Videos" and select the downloaded post image
  11. OPTIONAL: Use the other post options to add feelings, check-ins, etc to your post
  12. Click the blue "Post" button to immediately publish your post.

ADVANCED: We also provide the graphics as editable templates in Canva. Review how to customize these images with your preferred photos, colors, and branding in this help article.


Step-by-Step Instructions [Video Post]

  1. Locate the post you would like to use in the Social Post Library
  2. Click the button labelled "1) Download the Video" to download the post video
  3. Click the button labelled "2) Copy the Caption" to copy the post caption to your clipboard
  4. Click the button labelled "3) Share the Post" button to view the share popup.
  5. Click the Facebook button
  6. Navigate to your Facebook Business Page
  7. Click on "Create Post"
  8. Click into the box that appears and paste the copied caption from your clipboard (NOTE: Make sure to read and edit the caption as necessary)
  9. In the "Add to your post" section, click the image icon 
  10. Click "Add Photos/Videos" and select the downloaded post video
  11. OPTIONAL: Use the other post options to add feelings, check-ins, etc to your post
  12. OPTIONAL: Click on the "Video Options" button to change your video's thumbnail
  13. Click the blue "Post" button to immediately publish your post

ADVANCED: We also provide the graphics as editable templates in Canva. Review how to customize these images with your preferred photos, colors, and branding in this help article.