There are two common scenarios for adding links to the AgentID website. One is when an agent wants to quickly an easily incorporate a link to a personal website where clients can search properties and more. The other is when they need to add legal information required by brokerages on their websites. For example, prominently displaying your IABS form on your websites. 

For the first scenario, adding a link to the AgentID Bio is a recommended option. 

For the legal information, like the IABS the footer may be more appropriate. The AgentID Site footer appears on your home page and at the bottom of all other pages on the AgentID Site, including your listings, your blog posts, and your landing pages. Though you cannot upload PDFs or other media directly to the footer, you can add links. 

Adding a Link in the AgentID Bio 

Click on My Account, then Account in the top right hand corner of the main dashboard. 

Click the pencil icon to edit the Bio section and add in the HTML code called an a href including the url link. (See the example format below.) Make sure to Save Changes when done. 

Example format: 

Text that precedes the link: <a href="http://internetURLhere"> Title for the link the visitor sees</a>

Note that there are a few parts to this code you will need to edit. 1) The text that precedes the link, 

2) the link “http:// Internet URL goes here”, and 3) the title for the link the visitor sees. 

Here is an example: 

To search properties or for more information visit: <a href=""></a>

Here is what the AgentID Site looks like:

Troubleshooting: If your link is not clickable, you might need to check the code. Sometimes an extra end quote mark or something may mess up the code's functionality. Go back and edit the Bio on the my account page checking for any extra punctuation that needs to be removed. 

Adding a Link in the AgentID Footer

To edit your AgentID Footer, go to the AgentID website Admin panel. Then click on "Site Settings" in the lefthand navigation bar of your AgentID Site admin panel, then select "Site Settings" and "Footer". 

Under Legal Notice Page Content:

  1. Enter a Legal Notice Page Link Title. For example, Legal Notices. This will appear on the footer of the AgentID website. 
  2. Enter the title of the document you are adding in the Legal Notice Page Content area. For example, IABS Information. 
  3. Highlight that document title text (ex. IABS Information) and click the hyperlink symbol to add a hyperlink to the document from a cloud storage drive. (See instructions at bottom of page for on creating cloud storage drive documents as needed). Click the blue return arrow to apply the hyperlink. 
  4. Click Save Changes. 


This is what the Footer looks like below. Clicking on this opens up a page with the legal notice details and link. 

Instructions for Creating Cloud Storage Drive Documents

Before you can do that, however, you must add your completed IABS form to a cloud storage service of your choice. We like both Google Drive and Dropbox for this process.

Once you've uploaded your IABS to your cloud storage service and gotten your public share link to that file, you will be able to add that link to your AgentID Site.