The "Resource" pages on the AgentID Sites are static pages that appear in the main navigation of your AgentID Site.

These pages are optional and require you to enable them before they appear on your AgentID Site. In other words, if you have not yet enabled a Resource page on your AgentID Site, your public-facing site will not have the "Resources" tab shown in the screenshot above.

Right now, we have only one Resource page available: the Property Marketing Plan. We do plan to have more Resource pages available in the near future. 

Learn more about the Property Marketing Plan Page and how to use it to win more listings in this Member Training.

How to Enable the Property Marketing Plan Resource Page

Follow the steps below to enable the Property Marketing Plan Resource Page.

  1. Access your AgentID Site from your Paperless Agent Dashboard
  2. On your AgentID Site admin panel, find the box titled "Resources."
    Note: This box may be collapsed when you first access it. Click on "Show" to reveal the enable button.
  3. Click the button that says "Enable Page"