Build your reputation as a listing expert agent with the new Single-Image Listing Promotion Template in the Marketing Suite!

This template can be customized to market new listings, recently solds, and even open houses with just a few edits. Learn more in this Member Training Session, or keep reading for instructions.


  1. Login to your Paperless Agent Dashboard

  2. Click on "Email Newsletters" under the "Agent Marketing Tools" card

  3. Find the Listing Promotion 
(1-image) template and click "Create Campaign"

    TIP: If you don't see it under "Latest Newsletters," click on "View All." You can find the template most easily by clicking on "non-newsletter" under Tags.

  4. Click on the green "Use Newsletter" button after previewing the template

  5. Select the list you want to send the email to.

    NOTE: If you haven’t created a list, you will need to add one before sending the email. Review this help article to learn more.

  6. Fill out the text fields for the different parts of the email.

    Subject: This will be the subject line of your email
    Heading: This is the large text that appears at the top of the email message
    Greeting: The merge field {first_name} will personalize your email with the name of each of your email recipients

  7. Choose an image from your computer to upload.

    NOTE: You can only select one static image to use in this template. Videos and multiple images will be options in other templates in the future of the Marketing Suite.

  8. Add additional information for the body of the email.

    Body Paragraph: We recommend using something similar to the marketing description of this listing from your listing landing page or MLS entry here.

  9. Specify a call-to-action (CTA) and how you want the button that links to your site to display in the email.

    Button Pre-Text: This is text that appears immediately before the button in your email
    Button Link: This should be to a landing page for your listing where your readers can learn more about the home
    Button Text: This is the CTA that appears on your email's button
    Button Color: This is the color of the button that appears in your email

  10. Add a bio or information about your firm.

    TIP: We recommend keeping this short and sweet, and including your contact information.

  11. View or Email a Preview to check before sending.

  12. Click "Send Campaign" when you’re ready!