The "Neighborhood Profile Pages" on the AgentID Sites are customizable webpages that appear in the main navigation of your AgentID Site. These pages are intended to accomplish two important objectives:

  1. Prove your authority, expertise, and experience in your target local markets to potential leads researching you online, and 
  2. Optimize your website to rank higher on search engines such as Google.

Learn more about how the Neighborhood Profile Pages can improve your AgentID Site's SEO in this Member Training.

There is currently no limit to how many Neighborhood Profile Pages you can create. As you add more, the dropdown that appears on the web version of your AgentID Site will show a scroll bar.

NOTE: Your public-facing AgentID Site will not have the "Neighborhoods" tab shown in the screenshot below until you create your first Neighborhood Profile Page. Canadian members, your tab will be spelled "Neighbourhoods."