The 5-Step Real Estate Marketing System is true and proven because it comes from a long-use history in active markets by real estate veterans, and it accompanies a team who constantly researches the immediate landscape of the business for what is working RIGHT NOW. Chris and Garry use these practices in their current brokerage firm and always make the fair point that: “If these systems didn’t work in our own practice, we wouldn’t be recommending them to you! We know they work because we use them ourselves.” 

When AMC members use the 5-step marketing process fully and consistently, they may see results as soon as one month, or it could take up to 3 months, but the fact of the matter is... THE RESULTS WILL COME.

Important elements of the process that Chris and Garry ask new AMC members to consider are that results will only come through full use of the program and consistency

AMC members are expected to utilize not one, or two, or three, but all FIVE steps of the 5-Step Real Estate Marketing System. This is imperative since the system relies on a diverse approach to attacking sales and marketing strategies in order to be successful. 

Additionally, AMC members are asked to be consistent. Success in your marketing plan will only be realized if the strategies are implemented consistently every week and/or month when required. Specifically, this refers to members dedicating themselves to creating their 1-minute videos for the AMC team to post monthly as well as direct-messaging their clients as a part of step five in the marketing plan.

Lastly, our team asks its members to keep implementing the marketing plan even when leads are healthy. Members may feel that once they have healthy leads, the plan could be abandoned but the reality is, leads are generated and retained by the continued implementation of these strategies.

If these important elements are taken into account and the 5-Step Real Estate Marketing System is utilized correctly, our team promises that Agent Marketing Concierge members will begin to see the generation of leads they are hoping for.