With the Digital Property Marketing Plan , you get the 8-Week Marketing Plan template, which contains 8 weeks worth of activities designed to put your listings in front of buyers and set you apart from competition and the 75-page field guide that breaks down the property marketing plan into step-by-step, easy to follow instructions so you can easily implement it in your business. 

To access the Digital Property Marketing Plan, please login to your Paperless Agent Dashboard. 


Sign In to your Paperless Agent Dashboard


Once you are signed in, click on the Digital Property Marketing Plan product card:

The video instruction modules will guide you through the more technical tasks like Facebook advertising as well as a host of other templates, slides, and email sequences. Be sure to begin with the WELCOME video and INSTRUCTIONS section for a detailed overview of the program.

Common Problems and How to Resolve

"I just purchased the Digital Property Marketing Plan and the course card is not showing on my Dashboard when I login?"

  • Clear your cache and log back in. You should then see the Digital Property Marketing Plan on your Dashboard. How-To Clear Your Cache

  • If you're still not seeing it on your Dashboard, we will need to force a refresh of your account. Email us as support@thepaperlessagent.com with the subject line "Digital Property Marketing Plan Access."

Returning to the Main Dashboard

To return back to the main Paperless Agent Dashboard, simply select the "Dashboard" option at the top.